Sunday, September 13, 2009

Patriot Day Tea Party-Josephine County Oregon 9-12-09

Yesterday I stopped by the "Patriot Day" Tea Party on the courthouse lawn in Grants Pass, Oregon, county seat of Josephine County. The mood of the crowd of 200 plus was enthusiastic, a mood shared by many driving by on the main north-south street through town -- waving and honking support. Flags were flying and hand-made posters proclaimed pride in the USA and support for our military, our veterans and for our liberties under the Constitution.

State Representative Ron Mauer (Rep., Albany) was master of ceremonies and introduced a number of speakers who address topics ranging from limiting gun control to balancing state and federal budgets and imposing no new taxes to opposing the federal public option health care proposal now before Congress. Local musicians and singers entertained and inspired with patriotic songs, the crowd joining in enthusiastically.

The whole tone of the gathering was upbeat and positive -- no mud-slinging, abusive or insulting comments or incendiary remarks. I think that everyone who attended or dropped by left with renewed energy to stand up for our Constitution and work within our community for a better community, state and nation.

A few pictures I took. Unfortunately several others didn't turn out so well (the old thumb over the camera lens on my little cell phone as I tried unsuccessfully to block out the sun glare).
~~ S. Lane

Crowd Moves Forward to Listen to State. Rep. Ron Mauer

We join in singing America the Beautiful

Friends and neighbors share thoughts

1 comment:

Sue Whalen blogging as S Lane said...

Thanks to Herb for commenting on this post and adding the following correction:

One correction. Jim Frick was MC, not Rep. Ron Maurer (wasn't there). Jim if Chairman of Southern Oregon Resource Alliance (SORA).

My apologies, Jim. Great job as MC !!! ~~ S. Laned