There is a lot of information and misinformation floating around on the subject of H1N1 (Swine Flu) and the H1N1 vaccines. To date there appears to be a consensus that H1N1 is no more severe in most cases than the seasonal flu which itself results in as many as 36,000 deaths annually in the United States, primarily among those with compromised or not fully developed immune systems (the very elderly, very young children, AIDs patients or those having some other existing disease that lowers immunity.) Thus based on existing information from reputable sources, it is not "panic time" where H1N1 is concerned. Why the initial "swine flu" reports by the Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC and World Health Organization implied otherwise is still a question. Perhaps (perhaps) for no reason other than that they did not have full information at the outset and took a "better prepare for the worst" approach. At present, I do not buy into reports that there was a sinister motive behind the alarmist reports issued by these organizations. Not that I discount the controlling aspect of the power that Congress has placed in these federal agencies, nor do I back away from the position they we should always keep informed and keep a sharp eye on what they do and propose to do.
Today I came a cross a site that attempts to present information on all sides of the debate over H1N1 vaccination and the requirements for that vaccination. First, to clarify, vaccination of all citizens is not mandatory. Second, if H1N1 were declared a national health emergency by the CDC, existing federal law could permit an order for mandatory vaccination to be issued, as it could in the case of other communicable diseases were any of those declared a national health emergency. Presently, barring a disease being declared a national health emergency, questions of mandatory vaccinations are dealt with at the state level and state requirements vary. That, at least, is my understanding of the status of our laws at this point in time.
The Libertarian site, "Liberty Tavern," contains interesting information on this whole subject and is worth a look. Of particular interest to me were two videos posted there. As with many topics posted to Your Tube, there is the question of whether what's presented is an actual conversation or a staged conversation. If actual, the voice quality on both sides of the phone is exceptional, but that is of course possible with very good recording equipment. Whether actual or not, it brings out important legal points not only about potential required H1N1 vaccination [stressing potential], but about all existing requirements for mandatory vaccinations of certain segments of the population for other diseases -- requirements we do know exist. I would suggest that anyone concerned research the requirements and exemptions in their states regarding mandatory vaccination and then look up the cited US Supreme Court Case (Jacobson v. Mass.) and other subsequent related cases. If nothing else, at least we can inform ourselves.
This link should route you to the page where the videos are posted.
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