To my readers: Not sure how I missed seeing more details on the appointment to the Dept. of Homeland Security back in June and July of two men with ties to Muslim advocacy groups that hold views which could and should be seen as extremist. Of course the official bios are so "sanitized" that they wouldn't raise alarms and the major media, as usual, chose to ignore the back story. Getting the word out now is a little like locking the barn door after the horse was stolen, but nonetheless, I believe we should be informed, aware and on guard. These are two appointees it will pay to keep an eye on. -- S. Lane
SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2009 Obama appoints 2 devout Muslims to homeland security Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development
Source for announcement:
Homeland Security Press Room
"Today, I am proud to make two key personnel announcements for the U.S.. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) President Obama’s intent to nominate David Heyman as Assistant Secretary for Policy and my appointment of Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development.. Arif comes from Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa’s office, where he served as Deputy Mayor for Homeland Security and Public Safety. As a key adviser to the Mayor, he has led the City’s efforts to develop homeland security, emergency management and law enforcement initiatives, including operational oversight of Los Angeles Police, Fire and Emergency Management departments." said Secretary Janet Napolitano The Islamic loving Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security.. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department's plan to monitor it's Muslim community.
Alikhan is affiliated with MPAC, the "Muslim Public Affairs Council".
"Founded in 1988, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) describes itself as "a public service agency working for the civil rights of American Muslims, for the integration of Islam into American pluralism, and for a positive, constructive relationship between American Muslims and their representatives." The organization consists of eight chapters in California, and one each in Texas, Kansas, Nevada, and Iowa."
From its inception, MPAC presented itself20as more inclusive, and more open to peaceful coexistence with Jews and Christians, than other Arab and Muslim groups, and sought to make Americans comfortable with Islam by showing how much the religion embraced core American values.
However, looking deeper into this group:
MPAC's Senior Advisor, Maher Hathout, who has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and espouses the radical brand of Islam known as Wahhabism, was invited to address the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles in 2000.
MPAC's centrist public image unraveled after the September 2000 launching of the Second Palestinian Intifada, when the Council severed its ties to the Jewish community and issued one-sided condemnations of Israel's response to the Arab violence.
This group actively opposed Bush's military incursions into Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as his "excesses" in the war on terror. In February 2003, MPAC joined the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the American Muslim Council, and the American Muslim Alliance in forming a coalition to repeal and amend the Patriot Act, which these organizations depicted as an assault on the civil liberties of Americans, particularly Muslims.
MPAC claims that Islam is a religion of peace and moderation, and contends that Muslim extremists are no more numerous or dangerous than fundamentalists in any other faith.
Holding Israel entirely responsible for the "pattern of violence" in the Middle East, MPAC asserts that Hezbollah "could be called a liberation movement." The Council likens Hezbollah members to American "freedom fighters hundreds of years ago whom the British regarded as terrorists."
In a 1999 position paper, MPAC justified Hezbollah's deadly 1983 bombing of the American Marine barracks in Lebanon as a "military operation" rather than a terrorist attack. 1983 Beirutbarracks bombing, which killed servicemen, including 220 U.S. Marines. As Maher Hathout puts it: "Hezbollah is fighting for freedom, an organized army, limiting its operations against military people, this is a legitimate target against occupation. … this is legitimate, this is an American value -- freedom and liberty."
Source for announcement:
Homeland Security Press Room
"Today, I am proud to make two key personnel announcements for the U.S.. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) President Obama’s intent to nominate David Heyman as Assistant Secretary for Policy and my appointment of Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development.. Arif comes from Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa’s office, where he served as Deputy Mayor for Homeland Security and Public Safety. As a key adviser to the Mayor, he has led the City’s efforts to develop homeland security, emergency management and law enforcement initiatives, including operational oversight of Los Angeles Police, Fire and Emergency Management departments." said Secretary Janet Napolitano The Islamic loving Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security.. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department's plan to monitor it's Muslim community.
Alikhan is affiliated with MPAC, the "Muslim Public Affairs Council".
"Founded in 1988, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) describes itself as "a public service agency working for the civil rights of American Muslims, for the integration of Islam into American pluralism, and for a positive, constructive relationship between American Muslims and their representatives." The organization consists of eight chapters in California, and one each in Texas, Kansas, Nevada, and Iowa."
From its inception, MPAC presented itself20as more inclusive, and more open to peaceful coexistence with Jews and Christians, than other Arab and Muslim groups, and sought to make Americans comfortable with Islam by showing how much the religion embraced core American values.
However, looking deeper into this group:
MPAC's Senior Advisor, Maher Hathout, who has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and espouses the radical brand of Islam known as Wahhabism, was invited to address the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles in 2000.
MPAC's centrist public image unraveled after the September 2000 launching of the Second Palestinian Intifada, when the Council severed its ties to the Jewish community and issued one-sided condemnations of Israel's response to the Arab violence.
This group actively opposed Bush's military incursions into Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as his "excesses" in the war on terror. In February 2003, MPAC joined the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the American Muslim Council, and the American Muslim Alliance in forming a coalition to repeal and amend the Patriot Act, which these organizations depicted as an assault on the civil liberties of Americans, particularly Muslims.
MPAC claims that Islam is a religion of peace and moderation, and contends that Muslim extremists are no more numerous or dangerous than fundamentalists in any other faith.
Holding Israel entirely responsible for the "pattern of violence" in the Middle East, MPAC asserts that Hezbollah "could be called a liberation movement." The Council likens Hezbollah members to American "freedom fighters hundreds of years ago whom the British regarded as terrorists."
In a 1999 position paper, MPAC justified Hezbollah's deadly 1983 bombing of the American Marine barracks in Lebanon as a "military operation" rather than a terrorist attack. 1983 Beirutbarracks bombing, which killed servicemen, including 220 U.S. Marines. As Maher Hathout puts it: "Hezbollah is fighting for freedom, an organized army, limiting its operations against military people, this is a legitimate target against occupation. … this is legitimate, this is an American value -- freedom and liberty."
See also:
Kareem Shora Appointed by DHS Secretary Napolitano on Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) by Bella Rabinowitz
Washington, DC June 5, 2009
June 9, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - - Last week DHS head Janet Napolitano appointed Kareem Shora the National Executive Director of the Arab American Anti -Discrimination Committee as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council. [source,]
The ADC is funded by Saudi billionaire Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal. Bin Talal is infamous for having held marathon fundraisers to support the families of suicide bombers. In 2001 his $10 million dollar check for a 9/11 fund was rejected by then Mayor Rudolph Giuliani because Talal linked the attacks to America's policy towards Israel, in part proclaiming, "The Arabs should concentrate on influencing American public opinion ... He pointed to the fact that Israel succeeded in manipulating the events of September 11, to its advantage by branding all Arabs and Muslims as terrorists, then proceeded to war on the Palestinians and massacring them unchecked." [source,]
In 2008 the ADC inaugurated the Al Waleed Bin Talal Heritage Center at their national headquarters in Washington, DC and presented him with the "ADC Global Achievement Award" in 2005.
Shora was the former legal advisor of the ADC. In that capacity he filed suit on behalf of the ADC against the INS arguing that arrest of foreign nationals after they were required by law to register as such, is illegal.
In 2006 the ADC sued the Secretaries of State and Defense for "failing to protect U.S. citizens in a crisis or time of war."
"In the lawsuit, ADC alleges that the defendants placed US citizens in peril by not taking all possible steps to secure the safety and well being of US citizens in Lebanon. Further, the lawsuit asks the Federal Court to issue an order compelling the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense to request a ceasefire and to stop any shipments of weapons or any other military support to Israel during the evacuation of all US citizens out of Lebanon." [source,]
The appointment of the head of a Saudi funded organization to be on the Homeland Security Advisory Council is one more example of the Obama administration's Muslim outreach consisting of forging alliances with Islamists. The conflict of interest posed by Shora's association with the Saudi mouthpiece the ADC, promoting a Saudi agenda is sufficient reason to call for his immediate resignation.
©1999-2009 LLC, Beila Rabinowitz. All rights reserved.
The ADC is funded by Saudi billionaire Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal. Bin Talal is infamous for having held marathon fundraisers to support the families of suicide bombers. In 2001 his $10 million dollar check for a 9/11 fund was rejected by then Mayor Rudolph Giuliani because Talal linked the attacks to America's policy towards Israel, in part proclaiming, "The Arabs should concentrate on influencing American public opinion ... He pointed to the fact that Israel succeeded in manipulating the events of September 11, to its advantage by branding all Arabs and Muslims as terrorists, then proceeded to war on the Palestinians and massacring them unchecked." [source,]
In 2008 the ADC inaugurated the Al Waleed Bin Talal Heritage Center at their national headquarters in Washington, DC and presented him with the "ADC Global Achievement Award" in 2005.
Shora was the former legal advisor of the ADC. In that capacity he filed suit on behalf of the ADC against the INS arguing that arrest of foreign nationals after they were required by law to register as such, is illegal.
In 2006 the ADC sued the Secretaries of State and Defense for "failing to protect U.S. citizens in a crisis or time of war."
"In the lawsuit, ADC alleges that the defendants placed US citizens in peril by not taking all possible steps to secure the safety and well being of US citizens in Lebanon. Further, the lawsuit asks the Federal Court to issue an order compelling the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense to request a ceasefire and to stop any shipments of weapons or any other military support to Israel during the evacuation of all US citizens out of Lebanon." [source,]
The appointment of the head of a Saudi funded organization to be on the Homeland Security Advisory Council is one more example of the Obama administration's Muslim outreach consisting of forging alliances with Islamists. The conflict of interest posed by Shora's association with the Saudi mouthpiece the ADC, promoting a Saudi agenda is sufficient reason to call for his immediate resignation.
©1999-2009 LLC, Beila Rabinowitz. All rights reserved.
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