Friday, August 28, 2009

Pending Gun Registration Legislation

Here's a bill we might want to keep our eyes on. It would expand federal gun sales and registration requirements significantly and place further restrictions on gun owners. One restriction would require any gun owner with a child under 18 in the household to keep guns and ammunition locked up. While this may sound sensible, how practical would having a locked up weapon be in case of a home break-in and need to defend oneself and one's family? Wouldn't proper education of everyone in the household, including minor children, on gun safety be a better approach?
Here are links to find out more about this bill, HF-45 (Blair-Holt Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009)

1 comment:

Sue Whalen blogging as S Lane said...

An e-mail correspondent shared the following comment:

I LIKE your idea better. Yes, how does one defend oneself with the gun and ammo locked up in 2 different locations??? DUH!!!