Friday, August 28, 2009

Comments on "Obama's Civilian Army" by Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck-Obama's Civilian Army Aug 27 2009

This topic was around prior to the election. Even surfaced briefly during the primaries. and, as the person who shared this link with me said, very few people even took note of it and, if it was mentioned, dismissed it as mere over-the-top campaign rhetoric.

I didn't dismiss it, having read too much about Obama's background and associates and their backgrounds. Can we say followers of Saul Alinsky? People whose political philosophy has deep roots in the theories and practices of militant Marxism. In one way or another, Barack Obama was steeped in this ideology from his childhood on, his mother also having absorbed it as a young girl growing up in a family whose friends in Washington state were held ideas that would have caused them to be labeled Communist sympathizers at the time. The school that Barack's mother attended was dubbed by some "the little Red school house," and "Red" did not refer to it's color. Admittedly in those days many people were unjustly labeled, but from what has been published, that doesn't appear to be the case in this instance.

We know that along with the socialist philosophy of Marxism went a commitment to totalitarian ways of compelling the people to accept and practice its tenets. How much of this view of indoctrination and enforcement Barack's mother, her parents and friends shared, we have no way of knowing. We do, however, know that some of Barack's later associates and admitted mentors did share these views -- William Ayers to name one.

I digress, but the point is, this information was out there, not in the major media, but in blogs, on talk radio and even in a series that Sean Hannity did on the Hannity and Colmes program on FOX news. And yet many, even many conservatives and independents, simply would not or could not believe it or could not believe that such views would ever lead to their enactment into law by an American government.

Now, looking at the bills before Congress (the Obama health care bill, the new gun control bill pending in the House and others), it would seem that this administration is very seriously intent on implementing measures to create a more socialistic, centralized and controlling federal government. A "civilian army" is not out of the question. Like Glenn Beck, I have to ask -- for what purpose?

Let's all keep on top of this one. ~~ S. Lane

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