Monday, August 24, 2009

More Interference in Private Business Proposed in Health Care Bill

Enough!! State and local governments are already telling restaurants what kind of oils they may use to cook food, whether they may allow customer smoking, and a host of other intrusive dictates instead of letting the marketplace work as it should. If a majority of customers and potential customers stop frequenting a restaurant because of the way the food is prepared or because smoking is permitted, the restaurant will make a reasonable choice based on what the public prefers. But these choices should not be compelled by government (federal, state or local) fiat.

Now a provision in the Obama Health Care Bill before Congress would require (that's require) posting of nutritional information on menus and menu boards, even menu boards at the drive-thru windows of fast food establishments. In additional to being a further intrusion of government into private business, this provision is rather ridiculous. I mean, are most customers, especially at fast food places, really going to read how many calories and what vitamins and minerals their hamburger contains? Doubt it. . . . . But, it's in the Bill. Read on.

Health Care Bill Mandates That Restaurants Display Nutrition Information on Menus
By Edwin Mora CNS News - Monday, August 24, 2009( – Restaurant chains with 20 or more stores would be required to display nutrition information, including calorie counts and “suggested daily caloric intake” on their menus, under a mandate contained in the health-care reform bill drafted by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

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