Tuesday, November 25, 2008

U.N. Treaty on Children's Rights - A Challenge to Parental Rights

Monday, November 24, 2008
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer

Howard Davidson, director of the American Bar Association Center for Children and the Law (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr)

Washington, D.C. (CNSNews.com) – Advocates for a United Nations treaty on children's rights blamed American arrogance for it not being ratified by the United States, but critics charge signing onto the Convention on the Rights of the Child could mean international law trumping U.S. state and federal laws and the rights of parents to make decisions about raising and educating their children.

NOTE: "Children's Rights" may sound very nice and high-minded, but the flip side is that that this U.N. Treaty on Children's Rights is a challenge to the traditional rights of parents and would further intrude on the family structure, as to one extent or another state and U.S. federal laws have already done. In addition, it sets up the U.N. as an arbiter of what should remain the domain of local, state and Congressional legislation. The United States has not, to date, ratified this U.N. Treaty. We should be vigilant that it does not.  /S Lane

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