Sunday, May 2, 2010

Team Obama Calls Out Swat Team on Tea Party Patriots!

S. Lane

Really !!
Definitely overreaction. Even the SWAT team members appear uncomfortable being there to police a peaceful gathering of patriotic moms and grandmothers, dads and grandfathers --
citizens exercising their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and assembly
AND singing "God Bless America"

Now how threatening is that?

Team Obama Calls Out Swat Team on Tea Party Patriots!

STEYN: Bigotry label for thee, not me - Washington Times

This Washington Times editorial, written by Mark Steyn, a European immigrant, living legally in the United States, gives a reasoned perspective on immigration and why the influx of illegals is a serious problem which justifies legislation such as that passed in Arizona to control and contain it. The article also points out that large scale immigration into any country is not necessarily the boon the the host country's economy that some claimed it to be.
No, I am not anti-immigrantion if the immigrants come into our country legally. I am opposed to condoning illegal immigration and I do sometimes question whether the quotas for legal immigrants are set to high for the 21st century economic needs of the United States. ~~~ S. Lane

STEYN: Bigotry label for thee, not me - Washington Times